Become a Member

Support Historic Wickford

HistWick’s mission is to preserve, protect and celebrate the historic village of Wickford, its harbor and its surrounding environs. Our membership is open to anyone interested in helping to raise awareness of the importance of historic preservation and ensure the village and its stories can be enjoyed by generations to come.


Here are a few of the things we’ve accomplished over the years:

  • “Wickford’s Trains, Steamer and Village Life” historic photograph in Wickford Junction Commuter Rail Station
  • The Wickford Walk historic marker walking tour
  • Restoration of the Olde Town Hall
  • Support for local historian Tim Cranston’s series of publications and walking tours
  • Holiday tours of gourmet kitchens in historic homes
  • Tours of private gardens in the village
  • Support for the Wickford Village Association
  • Wickford’s Living History Podcast Series
  • Support for the North Kingstown Food Pantry
  • Home owner preservation awards
  • HistWick historic home designation wooden plaque


We need your support: To become a member, please go to the store and purchase a membership, download and complete the Membership Form below,  or contact us or for more information at [email protected]